I realised the other day that it may be hard to picture the layout of our house and what walls we have removed etc if you haven't seen it in person, so thought I would share the floor plans, what has been moved and what will be moved. You can see all the before photos here to show the photos of the full house. Also I love a floor plan, it was my favourite part of house hunting and even now I like to look at listings for houses and look at the floor plans...I'm a weirdo ok... The floor plan started out when we bought the house as the below (this is from the listing). The blank area next to the room labelled "kitchen/diner" is under the archway in the original "kitchen" and they missed off the door from the living room to the kitchen on here but it went out of the top left of the living room into the hallway. It generally had a nice flow and plenty of space, but we wanted to adjust the kitchen a bit. The first phase of the wall removal (...
Our blog about home renovation and eco friendly living on a budget, follow the renovation of our 1930s house and our tips for becoming as eco friendly as possible and reducing your footprint.