I have covered the renovation side of this blog mostly up to now, but lets get into the "green" part of ItsAGreenHouse for a little while! Back at the start of 2017 my new years resolution was to cut out 80% of the single use plastic in our household. I didn't expect we could cut it all out, but had seen so many things going around social media about plastic in the oceans and how that plastic bottle of water will still be around in hundreds of years time so I felt I had to do something and 80% over a year seemed doable. I found it actually really easy to cut out the 80%, and am now at the point where (if we were not renovating a house as its unfortunately a messy process) we could only put our landfill bin out once a month with household waste or maybe even longer as we generally put one small bag in there once a week or so. We put out 2 or 3 recycling boxes every fortnight and the food bin as and when. Now we have the allotment we compost most food waste. If you are t...
If you are looking for a new job chances are you will do the interview remotely over video call, so what do you need to look out for and how can you use this to your advantage? I recently had two video interviews and got the job, from my experience and the research I did beforehand here are my top tips. Firstly in most ways treat it as a regular interview, wear a suit, be on time, expect the same questions and prepare in the same ways you usually would. It felt odd but I got dressed into a suit and put make up on and everything, just to sit in the spare room. I did keep my slippers on though. Here's the reality photo, the spare room has not been touched in the house renovation so whilst I managed to stage it to look pretty ok (of what they could see on the video!) it was basically me in a suit surrounded by chaos! Make sure that your technical set up is sound. Test the WiFi connection and video work well. If you have pets keep them out of the room and make sure everyon...